Friday, April 12, 2013

Crazy Pete two-ups Mr. Writer (A Mini-Story)

You may remember that one time I was so upset with one of my guys that it prompted me to create a flow chart. You may be surprised to find out that he's still on the fringe of my life. We talk every once in a while and see each other every so often. Stacy has changed his name from Mr. Writer to Mr. Personality, which I think suits him better for sarcasm's sake, as he's quite reserved when you meet him. She baptized him after we ran into him at the airport one day when we were returning from Los Angeles and he was flying out.

Anyway, while drinking at Second Glass's Wine Riot last weekend, I received this text:

The text took me by surprise as we had just been talking the week before about my moving to his neighborhood next month and his feeling that I was "invading his territory". So, it was out of the sky blue. Right away*, I took the normal action and obviously posted it to facebook so that my friends could see it.

Not to be outdone, three minutes later, I received this text from Crazy Pete:

*It took thirty minutes to show everyone that I was with, and be taught how to make a screenshot on my iphone.




  1. I taught the screen shot technique!

  2. Are you sure you want to move to his neighborhood????
    After all three degrees of separation may not be enough :)

    1. haha! As I mentioned to him, it used to be MY neighborhood!! I just happened to move away from it for ten years.
