Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Melly J., P.B. (Professional Blogger)

A random stranger came up to me in my office building a few months ago and said, "I really like what you had to say on Tim Thomas's facebook fan page." It was at the beginning of the catholic employer/birth control debate and Tim Thomas had likened the "first they came for..." poem about the Holocaust to his unwillingness to stay silent about the struggles and persecution of the Catholic Church and the gall of the evil Obama adminstration who suggested that non-Catholic employees be allowed to have health care coverage that is unrelated to their Catholic employers' feelings. How dare they??

I debated the issue for a while with some die-hard Tim Thomas fans before realizing that pucks to the head really can cause brain damage. Then, I gave up. I figured the discussion had been lost in the facebook comment cemetary forever and that would be it. Until that random stranger.

I mentioned this encounter to my friend, the Other MJ, who has been listening to my incessant diatribes for years now and who sounds like I made him up, but truly truly exists. Other MJ's response "You should write a blog...seriously." Now, while I'm sure he had purely selfish reasons for offering that resolution (directing my comments away from "IMs to MJ" to a different medium), I immediately thought, "Yes! Brilliant! I have some pretty interesting shit to say that I know people will want to hear".

I began to think about whether I have what it takes to become a professional blogger. And whether that's actually a thing. I'm not sure what the answer is, but I'm gonna find out! Starting now...

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