Friday, February 21, 2014

The Trivia Guy

I enjoy going to pub trivia and it's something that I do on a frequent basis. A couple of years ago, I began a flirtquest with a cute guy from another team. He's not typically someone I would go for. He's 5-6 years younger than I am. He's what my friends and I call a "yo-yo, naw-naw boy." Like, when you ask him a question, his answer is typically, "yo, yo, yo...naw". He wears oversized t-shirts, gold chains, and his hat cocked to the side on his head....and he's white. But, he's hilariously funny and very cute and I enjoyed flirting with him.

When he asked for my number, I gave it to him. He texts me every once in a while to see how I'm doing, but we've never actually met up for a date. One day, he became my facebook friend.

I began to notice that the same girl tagged him in a bunch of her statuses. "Happy Valentine's Day"--with [Trivia Guy]. "Snow Day Movie Marathon!"-- with [Trivia Guy]. So, I decided to question him about it. And I have transcribed the text conversation for us all because I think it's hilarious:
TG: Hey
Me: Hey... so, do you have a girlfriend?
TG: Huh?
Me: Do you have a girlfriend? [Note: Clearly, in the context of text messages, his "Huh?" probably was more of a "what are you talking about?" then a "What did you say?", but I thought it would be funny to repeat myself.]
TG: Why do you say that?
Me: That's not really a yes or a no
TG: No.
TG: What are you talking about?
Me: Who's [Girl's name]?
TG: Are you stalking me?
Me: Nope, she called me [Note: This wasn't true.]
TG: What?
Me: She called me from your phone. Is she your gf?
TG: When?
Me: Is she your gf?
TG: When?
Me: [silence]
TG: Yes.
Me: [silence]
*Missed call from TG
*Missed call from TG
*Missed call from TG
TG: What did she say?
TG: ?
TG: She's my gf, but I think she's leaving me.
Me: Oh. :( because you cheat on her? *sarcastically sympathetic nod
There was some more conversation after that. I don't think we'll be talking much anymore. He might be a little bit worried that I'm going to contact her and he doesn't have to worry about that. That's not my style. I'm much more of a "post it on the internet so that we can all enjoy" type girl.

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